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Abseil T-Shirts - Order Now!

Plans for the Fairhead Abseil on 28th May are going well and we're ready to order the Event T-Shirts for all our volunteers. A special word of thanks to Aaron Smiley of The Training Hub - Cloughmills for kindly agreeing to sponsor the T-Shirts.

Before we place our order we'd be grateful if you could select a colour and size - see the guide below. The Colour choice is Saphire Blue or Lime Green, the colours below are a guide only and may not be exact.

You can place your order by leaving a comment indicating required colour and size on the Foundation Facebook page, the Abseil Event page or simply click contact and get in touch through the Foundation website.

Please get in touch as soon as possible as we'd like to get the T-Shirts ordered by Saturday 7th may if possible.

Finally, there is still time to sign up for the event, we have a limited spaces remaining but you will do our best to accommodate as many people as possible, let us know if you're up for the challenge!

Abseil T-Shirt

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